225-227 Gannow Lane, Burnley, Lancashire, BB12 6HY
Telephone: 01282 911680
Sorry we are closed please call 111 if you require urgent medical assistance.
Under the powers of this act, the Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC) can, under certain circumstances, require personal confidential data from GP practices without seeking patient consent first. One of the first initiatives using these new powers is the care.data service. This will merge data from GPs, hospitals and other sources so that the NHS can provide a better level of integration and service planning. In future, approved researchers will have access to the information. For more information about care.data, see www.nhs.uk/caredata.
The information will be held securely and confidentially. GPs have no legal right to block requests from the HSCIC for information. However, patients do have a right to block HSCIC using their data. If you wish to opt out, you should inform the practice (you can also opt back in at any time).
FAQ (.pdf 153KB)
Care Data Information Leaflet (.pdf 1.2MB)
The practice is registered under the above act and stores information for the following purposes:
You have the right to view your medical records. You may request to do so by speaking with the Practice Manager. However, we do charge for this, to cover the administrative costs. The maximum amount we can charge is set by law – you are advised to check the current charges with the Practice Manager. We also reserve the right under the Act to withhold any information which we would consider detrimental to your health or which identifies third parties.
If you have any questions or concerns about how we use your information and confidentiality, feel free to speak to the practice manager or our doctor.
Click here to download this information, including the form to opt in or out. (.doc 44KB)
We aim to enjoy a pleasant relationship with patients within this practice and no violence or abuse is tolerated.